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Consumers become producers: This research project assesses the contribution of urban gardening to the societal transition towards a bioeconomy, by considering the user-driven development of terrabioponic smart-garden-systems as socio-technological innovation.
Terrabioponic smart-garden-systems recover plant nutrients from organic household waste through vermicomposting (bio). Vermitea is applied to the plant roots through an automated underground irrigation cycle (ponic). Natural soil, amended with vermicompost, creates natural growing conditions (terra). Urban citizens experience the utilisation of natural resources for food production, supported by a smart control system with attractive user interface – like in the famous Facebook browser-game Farmville – but in reality: FarmVille in real.
The proposed research is realised by an inter- and transdisciplinary team: the bioeconomic expertise of the University of Hohenheim, with three departments involved, converges with the expertise of the Fraunhofer Institut for Computer Graphics, the Slowtec Ltd., an eco-design specialist and the intended users. Initially, the terrabioponic production system is analysed and a smart control system with user interface developed. Based on a market study, the target group is identified. Then the user requirements are explored with a conjoint-experiment. The actual user behaviour is examined based on a longitudinal survey.
This results in the determination of the mechanisms of adaptation, the factors of success for business models in the urban gardening sector and an assessment of the market potential.
Urban gardening with terrabioponic smart-garden-systems creates appreciation for the utilisation of natural resources and triggers a more sustainable consumer behaviour to drive the societal transition towards a bioeconomy. 

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