Parking spaces

Status quo: There are just under 1,700 parking spots on campus, which are used to varying degrees, depending on the time of the year. From January until mid-October, there are usually enough available spaces. The situation is different in the first half of the winter semester.

With the state’s decision on 6 March 2018, all parking spots are to have a fee as of October 2019.

In recent years, fire lanes and emergency routes were frequently blocked by parking cars, which is why the University has parking offenders towed in designated problematic areas.

Parking on campus

There is a fee for using the parking spaces on campus with only a few exceptions. Parking is generally only permitted in designated parking areas. An overview of all paid and free parking spaces as well as the focus of the towing regulations can be found in the detailed view.

Why doesn't the University build more parking spots?

In the foreseeable future, the city government will not approve new parking spots in Hohenheim.

Although the University has grown considerably in recent years, Stuttgart’s Building Authority has decided that the campus has more parking spaces than necessary.*

In the city’s determination of parking space needs, the number of University members, business, and restaurants (Denkbar, Speisemeisterei) are included as well as factors such as public transportation connections or campus residence halls.

Opening of privileged parking spots and parking on gravel areas

Within its abilities, the University of Hohenheim therefore started two measures to somewhat alleviate the lack of parking spaces:

  • gravel will be placed on open construction lots so they can temporarily be used as parking spaces (e.g. on the area of torn-down greenhouses)
  • reducing the historically reserved parking areas: the existing parking spaces are to be made available to all University members equally

How about building a parking garage?

The idea of a parking garage has been under discussion for several years. Most recently, the idea was explored in detail one more time as part of the "Hohenheim Mobility Strategy."

But University management has concluded that this vision cannot be realized. There are two main reasons why a parking garage is not feasible:

  • No official approval: The city will not approve additional parking spots on campus
  • Not profitable: Construction work on campus is financed by the Baden-Württemberg State Office of Property and Construction. For a number of years, the state government has been opposed in principle to building new parking garages. As a consequence, the parking garage would have to be operated by a private company.
  • It is hardly feasible, however, to make a profit from operating a parking garage in Hohenheim. That's because over several months per year, on most afternoons and evenings, and on weekends, there are not enough people on campus. Even during the remaining times, the parking garage would not automatically be filled to capacity as long as free or low-cost parking is available in the immediate surroundings.

In which areas will parked vehicles be towed upon the University's request?

To ensure safety, the University has parking offenders towed in fire lanes, emergency routes, and spaces reserved for disabled persons.

There are signs marking these problematic zones.

Contact: Property Management Division of the Department of Construction and Property Management