Doctoral agreement

he doctoral agreement is meant to make the supervision situation between the doctoral candidate and the supervisor more transparent and comparable. The advantages of such an agreement are apparent:

  • A discussion at the beginning of the doctorate with the results set down in writing means more transparency and security in the supervision process for both sides.
  • In the agreement, it is clearly stated what expectations exist and which obligations the doctoral candidate and supervisor have.
  • Reviewing progress together gives important feedback to both sides about how the doctorate is coming along. If there is a need to make adjustments, these can be pointed out in time to make them. 
  • Possible misunderstandings can be prevented at an early stage.
  • If there are conflicts, the written agreement can be used as a reference. In such cases, the faculties’ ombudspersons offer advice and assistance.

In the doctoral agreement, doctoral candidates and supervisors also commit to adhering to the rules of the Guidelines for Ensuring Scientific Integrity and Good Scientific Practices at the University of Hohenheim.