Tobias Schroth

Education for Business and Economics

Tobias Schroth studied Education for Business and Economics and now works as a student teacher at the vocational school Hermann-Gundert-Schule Calw. What he appreciates most about his work? Direct feedback from vocational school students.

His Tips

  • Get an impression of everyday university life on site.
  • Teaching is a fulfilling profession - but you also need a thick skin, a good portion of assertiveness, and above all you have to enjoy doing it!
  • Using internships to critically question your career aspirations. If necessary, it is still possible to switch to the company orientation.

Student teacher
Hermann-Gundert-Schule, Calw

Studies at the University of Hohenheim 2012-2018:

  • Education for Business and Economics, B.Sc.
  • Education for Business and Economics (state-certified teacher program), M.Sc.


What are typical activities for you in your job?

I teach business administration and accounting as well as Protestant religion. I have to prepare the lessons, i.e. prepare the content and design the teaching materials as creatively as possible. It's all about how I can best convey the material to my students and inspire them.

"Teaching also means being creative."

In addition to preparation and teaching, there is also a lot to do with personal exchange. From time to time you have difficult topics or students that you have to deal with more sensitively. That is why we also exchange ideas very closely with other teachers. So I chose a very diverse, creative, and communicative profession.

And what is the best thing about the job?

Even if the topics are often the same: each class, each student is different. Accordingly, I adapt the use of media or the introduction to the topic. I also like the honest and direct feedback: Students show you very quickly whether the lessons are interesting or not. And if that's the case, I'm all the happier.


What were your studies like?

Since I already knew at the beginning of my studies that I wanted to go to school after graduation - and not to a company - I oriented my studies towards a school career.

What about experiences outside of the classroom?

During my studies I gained practical experience at a vocational school. Especially the experiences from everyday school life were very valuable: For example, I could learn how to prepare my lessons or how parent-teacher evenings work.

It was also nice to see that my lessons were well received by the young people and that I really enjoyed my work. The fact that I gave private lessons during my studies and was active in youth work gave me additional training in dealing with young people.

"During a school internship, I noticed that my lessons were well received."

What surprises and challenges were there during your studies?

In the first semester I slightly underestimated how much there was to study. It was a lot compared to the Abitur. However, this is no different in other degree programs. Otherwise there were hardly any surprises: I had already visited the university in advance and sat in on lectures. I can recommend that to anyone!

What competences from your studies are important in your job today?

That I can quickly acquire new content. In school you often come across topics that you have not dealt with during your studies or that you have only touched on. You have to be able to learn about it quickly, answer questions, and have materials at your disposal.

When I think back on my studies in Hohenheim, I think of...

...fellow students who became friends.

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