Project transfer

It can be necessary to transfer a project if the project director moves from another university or research facility to the University of Hohenheim.

Researchers who move from another university or research institution to the University of Hohenheim often bring with them approved or ongoing third-party-funded projects.

The following information is intended to assist you in transferring projects.

In principle, "money follows research":

In the case of third-party funding bodies that manage public funds (DFG, BMBF, BMEL, EU), transferring a project is therefore always possible in principle.
For other funding sources (e.g. foundations, contract research), a contractual agreement is required for this.
Always inform the funding agency/project management agency and the third-party funding administration of the previous host institution promptly of your transfer to UHOH.
In the following, you will find information about 

Bringing staff with you

If you plan on bringing academic staff members already employed in the project with a fixed-term contract to the UHOH, you can request this directly with the Human Resources Department (APO).

  • Please submit the hiring requests at the latest 4 weeks before the personnel is to be hired.
  • For non-scientific personnel, the employment opportunity must be advertised internally in advance before a hiring request can be submitted with the required four-week notice.

You can find the necessary hiring application on the A-Z page of the Human Resources Department (APO) under the keyword "Hiring/Renewal" or here in the download area.

If you do not yet have access to the intranet, please organize this via your secretary's office or colleagues in the institute.

  • The hiring request must specify a funding source, in this case "third-party funding" including cost center and PSP element.
  • A PSP element is not created until the change notice confirming the project transfer is submitted and the third-party funding notification is submitted (electronically and in paper form).
  • Staff may be hired for a transition period through departmental budgets.
  • The funds must then be transferred as soon as the project has been created, i.e. the PSP element exists. Please note this in the hiring request.

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Transferring an ongoing project

The following steps are necessary for this:    

Letter of intent to the funder or project management agency

Most funders/project management agencies require identical letters of intent from the previous and future host institution.
In these letters, both declare their willingness to transfer and to assume the corresponding rights and obligations.
Support, e.g. with suitable drafts, can be obtained from the Research Support Department (AF). We will also gladly take over the coordination with the previous host institution.

Final account of the project progress to date

In order to determine exactly how much money is available for the continuation of the project at UHOH, a final accounting by the previous host institution is necessary.
The data should be communicated to the project management agency as early as possible.
Therefore, please contact the responsible administrative unit of the host institution in good time so that the final accounting can be initiated.

Notification of change

Once the project management agency has a final invoice, it will issue a notification of change and send it to UHOH.
The change notification contains the information on the (remaining) project duration as well as the (remaining) project funds.
It represents the legal and administrative basis for the further internal steps of the project transfer.
Once the notification has been received, AF will contact you.

Contract with the former host institution

In order to regulate all rights and obligations or their assumption that concern the project, a contract is concluded with the former host institution.
Support, e.g. with suitable templates, is available from the Research Support Department (AF).

Notifications of third-party funding

After receipt of the notification of change, you must notify the university management of the access to third-party funding, as with any newly acquired project, and the university management must approve it. The project is then created in the third-party funds management (project account/PSP element).
Detailed information and the current form for third-party funding notification can be found on the pages of the Finance Department (AW) - Third-party Funding Projects.

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Transferring an approved project that has not yet started

Letter of intent to the funder or project management agency

Most funders and project sponsors require identical letters of intent from the previous and future host institutions prior to transfer.
In these letters, both declare their willingness to transfer and to assume the corresponding rights and obligations.
Support, e.g. with templates, can be obtained from the Research Support Department (AF). We will also gladly take over the coordination with the previous host institution.

Notification of change

As soon as the project management agency receives the information about the change of employer, it usually issues a notification of change. The change notification contains the information on the project duration as well as the project funds.
The change notification must be available for the further internal steps of the project transfer.

Contract with the former host institution

In order to regulate all rights and obligations or their assumption that concern the project, a contract is concluded with the former host institution.
Support, e.g. with suitable templates, is available from the Research Support Department (AF). We will also gladly take over the coordination with the previous host institution.

Notifications of third-party funding

After receipt of the notification of change, you need to submit the notification of third-party funding and then set up a project account/PSP element.

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Transferring a DFG project

After the DFG is informed of the change of institution, it sends a detailed letter on the procedure to the recipient of the funds. This is the researcher receiving the funding.

As a rule, both the previous and the future employer receive this letter from the DFG for their information.

The letter terminates the previous contractual relationship between the DFG, the host institution, and the funded researcher and establishes a new contractual relationship between the DFG, the new host institution, and the funded researcher, taking into account the statement of accounts to be submitted.

Essentially, the steps described above must also be carried out here:

  • Final account of the previous host institution to the DFG
  • Once the new approval letter and the statement of account from the previous host institution are available, you submit the notification of third-party funding and a project account/PSP element will then be set up.
  • Letters of intent by all parties involved in advance may be useful where appropriate (e.g. when research equipment is transferred). AF is happy to support you in this process.
  • Further contracts (e.g. cooperation agreement, etc.) are generally not required for DFG funding.

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Key contacts at UHOH:

Research Support Department (AF)

General questions and problems with third-party funded projects
Marion Dürr (Director)
Tel.: +49 711 459 22077

Dr. Janine Forler-Kettering (Director)
Tel.: +49 711 459 22067

Letters of intent, contracts, questions about the grant or change notification
Tel. (Front Office): +49 711 459 24042

Finance Department, Third-Party Funding Management Unit (AW1)

Funds transfer, creation of project account/PSP element (SAP)
Petra Forster
Tel. +49 711 459 24511

Notifications of third-party funding
Vasiliki Papandreou
Tel. +49 711 459 22079

Human Resources Department, Labor and Collective Bargaining Agreement Law (APO3)

Personnel transfer and hiring
Steffen Diebold
Tel. +49 711 459 22024

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