Flat rate for overhead costs

Some third-party funders grant a lump sum to cover indirect costs.

Indirect costs arise from the use of the University's infrastructure and administration (e.g. room rent, heating and electricity costs, administrative expenses, etc.) and are also referred to as overhead costs .

The overhead is calculated proportionally to the sum of the requested funds.

As a general rule, funders stipulate that the overhead allowance may not be used to augment project funds.

Overhead allowance is not always granted automatically, sometimes it must be specifically applied for or included in the calculation (e.g. BMBF or private funding organizations). This is not possible after submitting the application.

In some cases, the correct use of the funds must be proven to the funding organization.

Designation and amount (% of the approved direct project costs):

Funding organizationDesignationAmount
DFGProgram allowance22%
BMBFProject lump sum20%
EU (Horizon 2020)Indirect costs25%
MWK (state)none

Other funding sources:

In the case of private funding sources, the University of Hohenheim generally stipulates that a 12% flat-rate overhead fee must also be applied for if this is not expressly excluded by the funding source's terms and conditions of approval and contract.

For contract research, overhead is included in the overhead rates.

A detailed listing of overhead requirements and exceptions can be found here

Deduction and third-party funding premium

  • Flat rates for overhead costs are automatically retained by the Third-Party Funding Management Unit in the case of national funding when funds are drawn.
    According to the current regulations of the President's Office, the applicant's institute receives a third-party funding premium in the year following the next year amounting to 50% of the overhead fee (the remaining 50% is retained centrally).

  • In the case of EU funding , half of the indirect costs (i.e. 12.5%) are retained centrally when the funds are received, and the rest can remain with the project.

  • In the case of contract research , the surcharge rate less 12.5% of the contract volume is made available to the institute.

The third-party funding premium may not be used to supplement the respective project funds.