Considering Incomplete Information in Negotiation Support Systems

Publication Type
Contribution to conference
Andreas Reiser, Mareike Schoop
Year of publication
Published in
GDN 2012 Proceedings
Conference name
Group Decision and Negotiation 2012 (GDN)
Conference location
Recife, Brasil
Conference date
20. - 24. Mai 2012

A number of decision support components have been adapted for electronic negotiation support systems using multi-attribute utility theory. However, since these components only make use of ex-ante preference elicitation procedures, there is only limited consideration of the dynamic and interactive characteristics of the negotiation process. This processual view becomes especially important if there exists incomplete information about some key issues. In our current work, we first investigate the impact of incomplete information on the negotiation process as well as the outcome of the negotiation. Second, we propose a proactive solution for re-eliciting preferences during the ongoing negotiation which can partially reuse former elicitations.

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