ABBEE – Accelerating the transition towards a BioBased Economy via Education

Project begin
Project end

The ongoing transition towards a biobased economy requires new educational methods and materials to educate students with relevant skills and expertise. Current educational programmes do not educate sufficiently for the biobased economy of the future because they focus on technological aspects and lack a system approach to biobased economy.

Within the project, four European Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) work together and develop new educational materials by which they can Accelerate the transition towards a BioBased Economy via Education (ABBEE). The partners, in cooperation with enterprises and industry partners (Metsa Group, BIOPRO and SEGES), co-create new educational materials for Master students and professionals. Key elements of biobased economy, such as entrepreneurship, value chain approaches and biomass production are covered from a system approach.

All educational materials will be made available for students of the participating HEIs (online and on-site) and will be available for professionals working in the bioeconomy sectors (online).

Involved persons

Involved institutions
