Your Start in Hohenheim

Introductory events for Master’s students

When you start your Master’s program at the University of Hohenheim, we will support you with introductory events where you can get important information about how your program works. There is a welcome event for each Master’s degree program. This takes place either before or during the lecture period.

For international students, the Welcome Week offers an additional program.

Programm Sommersemester 2024

Food Science and Engineering

Infos zu der Begrüßungsveranstaltung erhältst Du per E-Mail von den Studiengangsverantwortlichen. Bei Fragen kannst Du Dich an Jessica Filla ( wenden.

Agrarwissenschaften | Agribusiness | Nachwachsende Rohstoffe & Bioenergie

2. April | ab 10:15 Uhr | Campus Hohenheim

Du studierst Agrarwissenschaften, Agribusiness oder Nachwachsende Rohstoffe & Bioenergie? Dann erwartet Dich ein interaktiver Tag auf dem Campus, damit Du Deine Mitstudierenden, Dozent:innen und den Campus kennenlernen kannst. Entdecke zusammen mit Deiner Fachschaft den Campus, lerne Deine Mitstudierenden kennen und kläre Deine offenen Fragen bei verschiedenen Infoveranstaltungen.

Detailed program

10:15 - 11:30 a.m. | Welcome | Lecture hall: HS 32
We would like to welcome you to your degree program and provide you with important information for your studies.  

11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. | Lunch break

1 - 2 p.m. | Campus Rally | Meeting point: In front of the Mensa
With the Campus rally, we would like to show you the most important offices and places on campus. In small groups, you can discover the teaching garden, the Meiereihof research station, the Palace, the AStA cellar, and much more. You will be accompanied by students from your Fachschaft.  

Starting at 5:45 p.m. | End of the day together with the Fachschaft | TMS
Your Fachschaft is planning an evening program to help you relax and end your first day on campus on a good note. You can find more events organized by the student representatives for the departments (Fachschaft) on their Instagram channel or website.

If you have any questions about your Faculty’s program, you can contact the program coordinator Kerstin Hoffbauer ( 

Lecture halls und course rooms

You are new at the University of Hohenheim and looking for a lecture hall on campus? The overview of the locations of the lecture halls and event rooms supports you in this search.


Open office hours (in person)
Mon, Thurs 2 - 4 p.m.

Telephone office hours
+49 711 459 22064
Mon, Thurs 10 a.m. - 12 noon
Tues 2 - 4 p.m.


Email service

01522 6247 075