Taner Pula

Nutritional Science

Taner Pula studied Nutritional Science at the University of Hohenheim followed by a Master’s in Nutritional Science. Today, he works in the research lab at the University Medical Center Ulm.

His Tips

  • Talk with students about their experiences.
  • Compare your ideas with the reality of the degree program.
  • Decide on a degree program on your own regardless of others’ opinions or the career prospects.
  • Expand your horizons - there is more to studying than just attending lectures and taking exams.
  • My motto: It’s better to spend more time looking so you choose the right program than to do the wrong thing for too long!

Doctoral candidate, University Medical Center Ulm

Studies at the University of Hohenheim 2011-2018

  • Nutritional Science B.Sc.
  • Molecular Nutritional Science M.Sc.


What are typical activities for you in your job?

In my work, among other things I look at aging in fat cells. I’m responsible for planning and carrying out the research projects. That means that of course I have to keep up to date on the state of the art and do a lot of research. At the same time, the experiments always pull me away from my desk: So if I’m tired of sitting in front of my computer, than I can start in on practical work in the project.

When did you decide on your career?

I made my decision gradually during my studies. With the practical experiences I gained in research besides my studies, I realized how much fun I had doing it. That’s why I knew after I finished my Master's thesis that a doctorate was the right step for me. And I was right: I’m challenged and enjoy what I do.

“I like the challenge.”


Why the University of Hohenheim? And why Nutritional Science?

At the beginning I wanted to study Sport Science, but as a passionate football player, I had worn out my joints. The topic of nutrition was something I had always been interested in. When it was time to look for alternatives, that was at the top of the list.

“I dropped out of my program twice - and then I came to Hohenheim.”

I wanted to focus on nutritional physiology and not dietetics. So I first dropped out of one program in ecotrophology and one in nutritional science in Austria before hearing about the University of Hohenheim from an acquaintance.

What about experiences outside of the classroom?

It was always important to me that I learned more from my studies than just what was taught in the lectures. So I started with a project at the University where we offered cooking events for children from socially disadvantaged families. I also worked at the University’s Central Student Counselling and Career Service and helped at fairs and in schools. I gave speeches about my degree program and later became a student ambassador for the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK). In research, I also continued to learn more outside of the regular courses: With a Humboldt reloaded project and an internship with the German Cancer Research Center.

During my Master’s I went abroad in the USA. There I met a German doctor who offered me a chance to work in his team.

“Expanding your horizons is definitely worth it!”

In my activities in research and teaching, I always draw on the techniques of scientific work. But the soft skills I acquired during my studies, for example presenting in front of large groups, are also helpful today.

When I think back on my studies in Hohenheim, I think of...

...an enjoyable and diverse time in which I learned an incredible amount - about nutritional science but also about myself. That’s pretty philosophical, I know.

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