Steffen Müller-Mack

Agricultural Sciences

Steffen Müller-Mack studied Agricultural Sciences at the University of Hohenheim and after an additional, cooperative study program, was employed by Beiselen GmbH, a private agricultural trading company. There, he supports the Assistant to the Department Head of Fertilizer in wholesale.

His Tips

  • Do an internship even before starting to study so you get basic knowledge and understand the context of information. I especially recommend doing an internship in an agricultural operation - whether it’s a crop or a livestock operation.
  • You can’t make something out of nothing.
  • Be open to new paths. Interests change over the course of time.

Commercial Assistant & Fertilizer Business Unit Management Assistant,
Beiselen GmbH,

Degree program at the University of Hohenheim 2008-2011

  • Agricultural Sciences, B.Sc.


What are typical activities for you in your job?

I deal with suppliers a lot and keep track of the import situation, for example. My focus is on our primary suppliers, that is, the most important products. I have to keep in contact with the suppliers and act even in difficult cases. For example, if competition increases, then I have to argue well or try to get a few euros discount. That’s what I do on a daily basis.

When did you decide to take the job?

That started during my Bachelor’s degree and I made up my mind in the cooperative degree program I completed after the Bachelor’s. What I really like is that every day is different. When I turn of my computer at the end of the day, I have no idea what will happen overnight and what to expect the next morning. Every day and every year presents new challenges.

“Every day presents new challenges, and that’s what I like so much about it."


Why the University of Hohenheim? And why Agricultural Sciences?

I got vocational counseling and realized that I like technology and agriculture and forestry. Then I looked at what is offered in that area and found the degree program Agricultural Sciences. Of course Hohenheim is where to go when you’re dealing with Agricultural Sciences.

And I come from Göppingen, so it also played a role that Hohenheim was so close to home. Another advantage was the possibility to choose a combination of various subjects in the specialization area.

“Why Hohenheim? Of course that’s where to go when you’re dealing with Agricultural Sciences.”

What were your studies like?

From the very beginning I wanted to get into agricultural engineering, and during my studies my interests developed further: I specialized not only in engineering but also in business. People who have their eye on the big picture like that are in high demand in the agricultural industry.

What about experiences outside of the classroom?

I did my mandatory internship with an agricultural operation in which I continued to work after that. For me, it was interesting to see what daily work was like in the fields and in the office. I was especially fascinated by the flows of goods and money that are usually not seen by outsiders.

“Tasks that seemed very difficult could be managed with enough effort and persistence.”

What surprises and challenges were there during your studies?

During my basic study period there were a couple of lectures, like math or statistics, that were pretty difficult. But even these tasks could be managed with enough effort and persistence.

What competences from your studies are important in your job today?

During my basic study period and later during the specialization, I gained insights into agricultural engineering. In my case, it’s particularly helpful to know about various aspects in the fertilizer segment - for example the different types of taxes. Besides that, the basic business knowledge I learned during my studies continues to help me even today.

When I think back on my studies in Hohenheim, I think of...

... three very instructive, diverse, and exciting years that were largely responsible for the path I’ve taken in life.

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