Marcel Busch

Communication Science

Marcel Busch studied Communication Science and today works where he did an internship while still in school: Baden-Württemberg’s Landtag. As the Press, Public Relations, and Social Media Officer for the CDU parliamentary group, he deals with many different state political topics.

His Tips

  • Never do things just because it looks good on your CV. You should really want to do it!
  • Don’t let yourself be blinded by others’ résumés - just do your own thing.
  • Communication Science is what you make of it. Make your own profile during your program: internships, student jobs, engagement in student groups...
  • Be aware of your strengths and be able to articulate them. That will persuade potential employers.
  • Don’t let yourself be pressured. Putting off an exam doesn’t mean you’ve failed - it gives you time to take a critical look at the material.

Press, Public Relations, and Social Media Officer
CDU parliamentary group in Baden-Württemberg Landtag, Stuttgart

Studies at the University of Hohenheim 2010-2016

  • Communication Science, B.Sc. (today B.A.)
  • Empirical Communication Science, M.Sc.


What are typical activities for you in your job?

In politics, classic press work plays an important role. That means I have a lot of discussions with journalists, e.g. on the topic of the diesel prohibition. In these discussions, I give them the necessary background information and they learn what positions the different parties have on the subject. Otherwise, we text and send press releases and are responsible for the newsletter, our website, and the social media channels.

And what is the coolest thing about the job?

Daily work in politics is really interesting. We make state policies, and that means that the topics we deal with are very diverse. It is a lot of fun to get into the topics and processes. You’re also very close to the ministries and politicians, know what decisions are being made, and can even have a say here and there.

“It’s a lot of fun to get into state political topics!”

When did you decide on your career?

I was always interested in politics, got involved politically, and when I was at school I did an internship in the Landtag. Now I work there - so I’ve come full circle!


Why did you choose the University of Hohenheim? And why Communication Science?

The subject seemed very interesting to me, but for a long time I couldn’t decide between Communication Science and Business Administration and Economics. But I knew Communication Science was the right choice for me after hearing a presentation at the student information day in Hohenheim, which a friend took me to. And because it was so close to where I lived, Hohenheim made sense as a place to study.

"The Prospective Student Information Day helped me a lot in making my decision."

What were your studies like?

In retrospect, the specializations I chose during my studies fit well with my current job - political communication was one of my focuses and I really enjoyed political science courses in the elective area.

What about experiences outside of the classroom?

I did my first internship during my program with the Deutsche Bahn in internal communication. It was interesting to get to know the structures of such a large company. As a freelance journalist, I learned to enjoy writing. For the rest of my studies, I worked for regional newspapers like the Stuttgarter Zeitung, writing especially for the sports section. I think that’s the perfect part-time job for students: I could decide for myself when I would work, learned a lot, and made contacts - and I could watch Bundesliga sports for free!

“During my program I worked as a freelance journalist - the perfect part-time job for students.”

When I think back on my studies in Hohenheim, I think of...

... so many things. The friends I got to know back then, parties in the Thomas-Müntzer-Scheuer, and how we watched World Cup games together in the Mensa. But also the lectures and professors.

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Tues 1–2 p.m. and Thurs 10–11 a.m.

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