Arietta Jost

Communication Science

Arietta Jost works at the Dachser Logistikzentrum Karlsruhe and is responsible for internal and external communication. She has fond memories of studying Communication Science in Hohenheim: During that time, she not only discovered her interest in research, she also made a lot of valuable contacts - e.g. to Dachser.

“I think it’s great to be able to help shape communicative processes.”

Communications Inside Sales
Dachser Logistikzentrum Karlsruhe GmbH & Co.KG, Malsch

Studies at the University of Hohenheim 2011-2016

  • Communication Science, B.Sc. (today B.A.)
  • Communication Science and Media Research, M.A.

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Tues 1–2 p.m. and Thurs 10–11 a.m.

Individual advising appointment:
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