Fire and explosion protection

Fire safety or fire prevention, respectively, has the task

  • to prevent the arise and expansion of fires,
  • to detect fires as they arise, if possible, and to fight them as well as
  • to prevent any danger for people, animals, and property

At the University of Hohenheim, the Occupational Safety Expert, Mr. Hosseinzadeh, is responsible for all questions concerning fire safety.

All employees and students of the University of Hohenheim are obliged to cooperate in effective fire prevention.

Official Fire Safety Code (English version)
Safe charging of e-bike batteries (in German)


In the event of a fire, the correct behavior can be vital for oneself and others, as well as instrumental in preventing the spread of the fire.


In addition to the general alarm plan, there is a detailed plan for each building area called “What to do in case of fire."


  • Information for areas at risk of explosions
  • Risk assessment according to Sec. 6 BioStoffV
  • Operating instructions
