External Continuing and further education possibilities

Take part in the program offered by the Coordination Office for Scientific Further Education at the University of Stuttgart.

Training for University employees in the professional use of HIS software.

The Leadership Academy charges a € 20 processing fee for seminars that are also offered by the Academy of Administration and Business Administration!

  • Introductory qualification for the higher service in the state administration

Training opportunities for civil servants in the state of Baden-Württemberg:
Newly recruited civil servants in the higher civil service with permanent contracts learn the basics and change processes of the administration in the introductory training for civil servants in the state of Baden-Württemberg. They also deepen their knowledge in the areas of self-management, meetings, and leadership skills. The individual topics are modular and can be taken in any order. Typically, the Personnel Development Unit will write directly to the target group, but you are also welcome to write if you are interested: irena.rathgeb@verwaltung.uni-hohenheim.de. Registration takes place once a year via Ms. Rathgeb.

You can find further information at https://t1p.de/ifhb.

For managers, basic knowledge in the areas of "management communication, management tools, and dealing with challenging management situations" is an important tool for acting confidently and in a goal-oriented manner as a manager. Jast as important is the exchange of successful strategies among colleagues, peer consultation, and pausing in everyday management in order to reflect on your own leadership.
The Leadership Development Program of the Hohenheim-Tübingen University Region is aimed at managers in the science-supporting sector who are still relatively new to their role as managers in order to strengthen and develop them in the above-mentioned topics. The program, a joint project of the Albstadt-Sigmaringen, Nürtingen-Geislingen, Reutlingen, and Rottenburg universities of applied sciences and the Universities of Hohenheim and Tübingen, will last six to eight months and comprise approximately four to six seminar days. There are again two places available in the series for Hohenheim, and the seminar series usually starts in the autumn of each year. The Personnel Development Unit will contact the relevant target group, but you are also welcome to contact us if you are interested (julia.kettelhack@verwaltung.uni-hohenheim.de).
You can also find further information at http://www.hochschulregion.de/.