BAföG for Master’s and students who change subjects

In case of a subject change or withdrawal for the first time within the first two semesters, there is the rebuttable presumption that there is a compelling reason. Therefore, there is usually no need to explain a change of subject or a dropout. However, both cases have to be reported to the Grants Office (Amt für Ausbildungsföderung).

If there is a compelling reason that is accepted by the office, a change of subject or dropout up to the beginning of the fourth semester does not lead to the expiration of the funding claim. Regarding the acceptation of a compelling reason, it is of no significance whether the person obtained funding by means of BAföG for his previous studies or not. We recommend you inform yourself at the Grants Office (Amt für Ausbildungsföderung) in time.
Regarding the question as to whether consecutive Master's programs can be funded or not, every case has to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.