top agrar University Ranking:
University of Hohenheim in 2nd Place for Agricultural Engineering  [06.12.22]

Top ratings for teaching in crop production and animal production, as well / 85 percent would recommend their university to others - more than at any other university

Students have chosen: Those who want to specialize in agricultural engineering during their studies are in particularly good hands at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart: In the eighth agricultural university ranking of the trade journal top agrar, it landed in second place for the best teaching in the field of agricultural engineering behind the University of Applied Sciences in Neubrandenburg. This puts Hohenheim in one of the top two places for the fourth time in a row. Looking only at the full universities, Hohenheim is ahead in the three areas of crop production, animal production, and agricultural engineering. 85 percent of students would recommend their university to others - more than at any other university in the ranking. The students had chosen to study at the University of Hohenheim primarily because of its good reputation and the attractiveness of the courses offered.

Crop production (1.54), animal production (1.55), and agricultural engineering (1.55): Evaluated by German school grades, the University of Hohenheim received the highest grade of all universities in three areas. It also did well in agricultural economics with a grade of 1.79. In a comparison of all types of universities, it made it to 2nd place in the field of agricultural engineering: It is behind Neubrandenburg University (1.50) and ahead of Nürtingen-Geislingen University (1.63).

According to top agrar, one reason for the high level of satisfaction in teaching is the very committed professors, "who convey the contents in a lively and hands-on manner.” Students also "praised machine tours and regular field visits," the magazine wrote in its 12/2022 issue.

The Hohenheim students did not hide their satisfaction: 85 percent of them would recommend their university to others - more than at any other university in the ranking.

Students at 27 universities and universities of applied sciences in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland were surveyed. Around 3,800 students participated in the survey, 319 of them from Hohenheim. The winning universities were recently presented with awards by top agrar and Karrero at EuroTier 2022. Every two years, the trade journal and its job portal survey students about studying agriculture in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

Particularly attractive: Electives and specializations

Agricultural studies in Hohenheim received the best grades for the range of electives (1.43) and the student council (Fachschaft) (1.47). In their own choice of study location, 82% of students cited the good reputation of the University of Hohenheim as a reason for their decision. For 53%, the attractiveness of the range of courses was important, and 38% were impressed with Hohenheim’s specializations.

These include topics such as global food security, climate change and resource scarcity, or bioenergy and bio-based value chains. In addition, the University of Hohenheim’s unique feature came into play: Its leading topic “bioeconomy.” In this, agricultural science areas cooperate with economics and natural sciences as well as food and nutrition sciences - a unique offer nationwide.

Even Bachelor’s students benefit from Germany's no. 1 in agricultural research

The University of Hohenheim also occupies a top position in agricultural research as Germany's no. 1: This is confirmed by the National Taiwan University Ranking, the Best Global Universities Ranking, and the QS World University Ranking. In terms of agricultural research, the University of Hohenheim was ranked 8th or 9th in Europe, depending on the ranking. Internationally, it ranks 19th, 27th or 29th, depending on the ranking.

This scientific orientation is noticeable in the degree programs: 67% of students feel well-prepared for a career in science and research. This is no coincidence: Even in the Bachelor's program, students have the opportunity to develop and carry out their own research projects as part of the Humboldt reloaded program. The university received the Ars legendi award, the nation's highest award for excellent teaching, for the program in 2014.

More information

- Agricultural University Ranking 2022:
- Detailed results
- All ranking results for the University of Hohenheim:
- Degree programs at the University of Hohenheim:



Text: Elsner

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