Advice on scientific misconduct

Ombudspersons are neutral, qualified contact persons for matters relating to good scientific practice and in suspected cases of scientific misconduct who carry out their tasks independently and are not bound by any instructions.

They have the task of providing advice in strict confidence to persons who inform them about alleged scientific misconduct or persons suspected of scientific misconduct whilst upholding the principle of confidentiality. Furthermore, the ombudspersons independently pursue any indication of scientific misconduct at the University of Hohenheim.

The ombudspersons examine each suspicion of scientific misconduct from the angle of plausibility for concreteness and importance, and inform the competent bodies in cases of serious suspicions.

The following persons were appointed by the Senate of the University as ombudspersons of the University of Hohenheim and are automatically members of the national Committee for Self-Monitoring in Science:

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Advice on cases of conflict during doctorates

Doctoral work may be delayed, the successful completion of the doctorate may be in danger, or a doctorate may be interrupted due to conflicts that arise in the relationship between the doctoral candidate and the supervisor. The faculties of the University of Hohenheim therefore have contact persons for confidential conversations offering advice for doctoral candidates and those affected and acting as intermediaries. Those affected can either contact the ombudspersons directly or first contact the Graduate Academy for advice.


Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences


1. Contact an ombudsperson from the respective faculty

  • Determining the problematic situation and the positions
  • Advising and, with consent or if necessary, contacting the persons concerned

2. Initiating a discussion

  • Moderating a clarifying talk
  • Giving recommendations the conflict partners can, but do not have, to put into practice

Arbitration process in conflict situations

  • An ombudsperson accompanies the process of conflict resolution without taking sides or acting as an arbitrator.
  • The ombudsperson supports the conflict parties (doctoral candidates and supervisors) in the identification of joint solutions without interfering in the student-supervisor relationship.
  • All matters will be kept confidential.
  • The procedure does not cost anything.
  • It is neither possible to appeal the process by taking legal action, nor can it be referred to another body.
  • Responsibilities, such as those of the doctoral committee of all three faculties or of the Commission for Ensuring Good Scientific Practice, remain unaffected.

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Prof. Dr. Julia Fritz-Steuber
Vice President for Research, Early Career Researchers, and Transfer
+49 711 459 22228