Weed-Maize interactions and participatory field research for sustainable weed management in Benin: the case of Djougou and Natitingou


The Project aims to increase the technical sight in decision making for mechanically weed control by the farmers in the North-west region of Benin. Especially for the farmers, the study will help to:

  •  Provide a better understanding of weed-crop interactions during the successive stages of maize growth (which weeds are the worst for maize crop? why and when);
  •  Derive knowledge for profitable and more sustainable weed management by farmers;
  •  Provide simple training tool-box s for farmers and students training on weed management.

For implementation, survey and trials are executed during the growing seasons in Benin (Project area) and data and results are analyzed in Germany (University of Hohenheim). Farmers and students of Agronomy Department of the University of Parakou (Benin) are involved.

Beteiligte Personen

  • Dr. Horst Oebel

Beteiligte Einrichtungen

  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH </li><li> University of Parakou, Benin

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