Bachelor’s Information Day

Looking for the right Bachelor's degree program? On the Bachelor’s Information Day, we will introduce you to the Bachelor's programs of our three faculties. There are also presentations that talk about studying at the University of Hohenheim. You can explore our beautiful campus on a campus tour. On this day, you will receive all the important information you need for choosing a degree program and can ask your questions about studying. Come by and get to know the University!

  • Campus tour
  • Introduction to the University of Hohenheim
  • Applying for a university place
  • Information on all Bachelor’s programs
  • Discussion with students

The content of this page is currently only available in German. Further information can be found on the German page of the Bachelor Info Day.

You missed Bachelor’s Information Day 2023?

  • Discover other opportunities to get to know us and information events such as trial studies or our Open Day.
  • Subscribe to our WhatsApp channel and stay up to date on all topics related to studying at the University of Hohenheim.
  • Let the Central Student Counselling Center advise you on topics such as choosing a degree program, your chances of admission, or application procedures.
  • Take a look around on Instagram and get insights into student life, teaching and research, and the campus.
  • Browse through the digital info package and find out more about our degree programs and the University of Hohenheim.

Lecture halls und course rooms

You are new at the University of Hohenheim and looking for a lecture hall on campus? The overview of the locations of the lecture halls and event rooms supports you in this search.

11 Reasons to Choose Hohenheim

Done with school - now you can start with your studies! But there are so many degree programs to choose from... We put together 11 good reasons why you should study at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart!

Why 11? Well, after all - anyone can do 10!

Getting Started

A Green Oasis

Experience International Life

Research-Based Learning with Humboldt reloaded

State’s Most Popular President

Celebrating is a Part of Student Life!

Top Rankings

Research Focused on the Future

Excellent Teaching

We’re Here for You


Open office hours (in person)
Mon, Thurs 2 - 4 p.m.

Telephone office hours
+49 711 459 22064
Mon, Thurs 10 a.m. - 12 noon
Tues 2 - 4 p.m.


Email service

01522 6247 075