Transfer strategy of the University of Hohenheim

By transfer, we mean any kind of use, application, exploitation, or transmission of knowledge generated in science to the economy and society, including politics and administration.

Principles & Vision

One important prerequisite for successful transfer is having clear principles and transparent procedures as well as a vision. The university's committees therefore regularly deal with this topic and have developed and adopted strategy papers to guide Hohenheim's scientists. These build on Hohenheim's remarkable existing strengths and develop them further. Beyond that, the strategy also features new ideas and innovative approaches to ensure the University's transfer activities are sustainable in the long term.

To the Structural and Development Plan


Ruben Maier

Start-up Officer
+49 711 459 24048

Armin Stockinger

Lawyer (inventions, industrial property rights/patents)
+49 711 459 24305

Prof. Dr. Julia Fritz-Steuber

Vice President for Research, Early Career Researchers, and Transfer