Passion for Teaching


Digitalization of exams - module Marketing in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft (Bachelor’s)

This teaching project was funded by the Foundation Innovation in University Teaching as part of the DeLLFi project (FBM2020-EA-1670-01800).
more about the teaching development project DeLLFi

Short and sweet

I am passionate about teaching...

“...because I learn new aspects and ideas through the students every semester. The seminar portion, in particular, thrives on discussions about current issues in the agriculture and food industry."

The teaching project allows students to...

“... change their answers as often as they want in an e-exam without making it less clear what they want to say. This increases evaluation objectivity. In addition, students receive their exam results more quickly because we can evaluate simultaneously as a team instead of one after the other. At the same time, it supports the use of computers and digital applications.”

My role in the teaching project...

“... was to design and implement the e-exams together with my colleagues in an appealing way both in terms of content and didactics. With this creation and programming, we were able to lay the foundation for conducting the exams digitally in subsequent semesters as well, and to continuously expand our question pool.”

My goal...

“... in terms of e-exams, it is to design didactically meaningful and appealing exams for students and to promote keyboarding with them. Further, digitalizing the exam will allow us to reduce exam time in the long run, which in turn will allow us to admit more students to the module.”

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Project participants

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ramona Weinrich: Director of the Department of Consumer Behavior in the Bioeconomy (420c), Institute of Agricultural Policy and Markets

Research assistants:
Ellen Mielinger, Marie-Catherine Wendt; Department: Consumer Behavior in the Bioeconomy (420c), Institute of Agricultural Policy and Markets

Title and contents of the funding project

“Digitalization of exams - module Marketing in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft (Bachelor’s)”

In the course of the progressive digitalization of teaching, exams are to be changed to an e-examination format.

Subject-related semester

The project is aimed at students in all semesters of various Bachelor's degree programs:

Agricultural Sciences, Nutritional Management and Dietetics, Biobased Products and Bioenergy, Biology, Nutritional Science, and Agricultural Biology

Course format

The module is divided into a lecture and a seminar part and takes place within the framework of classroom teaching.

With face-to-face teaching, our module aims to facilitate interactive exchanges amongents.

Furthermore, the students’ability to express themselves in writing and to cooperate is promoted through the preparation of seminar papers in small groups , and their ability to express themselves orally is additionally improved through the presentation of the seminar papers.

Number of students

Maximum 60 students

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The teaching project

Idea generation:

In the course of the advancing digitalization of teaching, it makes sense to change the exam in the module Marketing in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft from a classic paper examination (P&P) to an e-examination.

An e-exam runs under the same conditions as a classic exam and is conducted on a computer instead of with pen and paper.

Students will still be supervised by qualified personnel when they take the exam.

The evaluation of the exam is done electronically in case of single-choice and multiple-choice questions. This not only saves an enormous amount of time for instructors, but also has the advantage that students can be notified of exam results more quickly.

Accordingly, not only instructors but also students benefit from this digitalization.

Project objective:

  • Designing engaging e-exams that primarily test knowledge and understanding, and solve and analyze application and transfer tasks.
  • The creation and use of a question pool database for e-exams in subsequent semesters.
  • A reduced planning and teaching load in subsequent years, which takes a tremendous amount of pressure off instructors.

Current status/further steps/feedback/further development:

The teaching innovation of switching from a traditional written exam to an e-exam was successfully mastered in the winter semester 22/23. Two e-exams have already been designed, conducted, and evaluated. We had no technical or organizational difficulties and were able to provide the students with a stress-free as well as smooth process during the exam.

With the one-time successful creation of the e-exam program, a foundation has thus been laid for the following semesters.

We would now like to continuously fill our question pool with further questions and additionally expand the questions didactically by integrating multimedia elements such as high-resolution image material.

We will also be seeking contact with students in the near future in order to obtain extensive feedback and, based on this, to comprehensively exploit the potential for improvement. The survey tool in ILIAS is suitable for this purpose.

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Characteristics of the teaching project

  Time and effort saved

The evaluation of the exam is done electronically for single-choice and multiple-choice questions. This not only saves an enormous amount of time for instructors, but also has the advantage that students can be notified of exam results more quickly. In addition, a high degree of evaluation objectivity is achieved through machine evaluation and digital printing.

  Support for digital applications

Working through exam questions in the context of an e-exam promotes the use of computers and digital applications, which is an essential skill in times of increasing digitalization. In addition, writing on a keyboard is also supported.

  Focused on the future

The changeover from a classic exam to an e-exam can be continued in all subsequent semesters, since a professional foundation has been created with the one-time creation and programming of the e-exam.

back to the topDeLLFi Grant Project: Nutritional counseling: Interactive videos

Discussion and synergies

The Digital Coaches’ extensive experience in implementing and running e-exams helped ensure a smooth process throughout the project phase. As a result, we are well-prepared for the following semesters and are pleased that we have acquired the necessary tools to successfully conduct e-exams as a team.

Furthermore, a collegial exchange about didactic aspects of e-exams seems to us to be very important in order to mutually benefit from ideas and experiences.

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Review and outlook

When you look back on the project support, what was particularly helpful for you?

The development and design of an e-exam required us to deal with different technical and methodological-didactic issues. In this context, the exchange with the Digital Coaches was essential and extremely helpful for accompanying the measures throughout the entire process.

Direct feedback on our concept as well as practical tips from the Digital Coaches during conceptualization and implementation have contributed significantly to a successful conversion to an e-exam.

We look forward to continuing to offer our exams in electronic form in the future and to further advancing the digitalization of teaching.

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