Alarm plans

The Fire Safety Code (English version) of the University of Hohenheim provides for the posting of the two general short information sheets.

in all institutes and facilities as well as at all prominent points (e.g. central notice boards), which can also be viewed by persons who are not members of the university. 

Building-specific notices “What to do in case of fire”

The notices “What to do in case of fire” are building-specific since they show

  • the address and
  • the gathering point

for the building.

In the list below, you can download the special alarm plan “What to do in case of fire” for individual buildings.

Alarm plan building 04.11 (Hohenheim Palace 1, Central Building)

Alarm plan building 04.12 (Hohenheim Palace 1, West Wing)

Alarm plan building 04.13 (Hohenheim Palace 1 E, East Wing)

Alarm plan building 04.14 (Hohenheim Palace 1 B, Speisemeisterei Building)

Alarm plan building 04.15 (Hohenheim Palace 1 C, Museum Wing)

Alarm plan building 04.21 (Hohenheim Palace 1 A, Kolleggang Wing)

Alarm plan building 04.22 (Emil-Wolff-Str. 21, Langergang Wing)

Alarm plan building 4.23 (Emil-Wolff-Str. 25, Rinderstall Wing)

Alarm plan building 4.24 (Emil-Wolff-Str. 27, Reitscheuer Wing)

Alarm plan building 4.25 (Emil-Wolff-Str. 23, Alte Gartenbauschule)

Alarm plan building 04.26 State Gardening School (Emil-Wolff-Str. 19, Neuergang Wing)

Alarm plan building 04.31 (Hohenheim Palace 1 D, Pferdestall Wing)

Alarm plan building 04.32 (Hohenheim Palace, Schwerzstr. 40, Geräte Wing)

Alarm plan building 04.33 (Hohenheim Palace, Schwerzstr. 42, Ackerbau Wing)

Alarm plan building 04.34 (Hohenheim Palace, Schwerzstr. 44, Brand Wing)

Alarm plan building 04.35 (Hohenheim Palace, Schwerzstr. 46, Äusserer Brand Wing)

Alarm plan building 04.36 (Hohenheim Palace, Schwerzstr. 38, Schafstall Wing)

Alarm plan building 04.41 (Fruwirthstr. 30, Kavaliershäuser)

Alarm plan building 04.42 (Fruwirthstr. 31, Kavaliershäuser)

Alarm plan building 04.43 (Fruwirthstr. 35, Kavaliershäuser)

Alarm plan building 04.44 (Fruwirthstr. 32, Kavaliershäuser)

Alarm plan building 04.45 (Fruwirthstr. 47, Kavaliershäuser)

Alarm plan building 04.46 (Fruwirthstr. 49, Kavaliershäuser)

Alarm plan building 04.47 (Fruwirthstr. 46, Kavaliershäuser)

Alarm plan building 04.48 (Fruwirthstr. 48, Kavaliershäuser)

Alarm plan building 04.52 (Emil-Wolff-Str. 35)

Which building belongs to which building area? The answer is provided by the campus map "Building numbers".