Biological laboratory technician

Training to become a biological laboratory technician takes trainees through various departments and institutes of the University. The vocational training representatives at each institution support trainees and teach them to independently plan, conduct, and check the tasks assigned to them. In addition, trainees complete about 6 months of external training at Chemisches und Veterinäruntersuchungsamt (CVUA) in Fellbach.

Training contents are defined in the general training plan.

  • Very good leaving certificate for middle secondary school (Mittlere Reife), Abitur, or qualification to enter universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulreife)
  • Willingness to work on and with experimental animals
Training duration2.5 - 3 years
Start of apprenticeship1 September 2025
Application period15 December 2024 – 15 February 2025

Training to become a biological laboratory technician follows the framework of Germany's dual system of vocational training, meaning that the classroom-based part takes place at Carl Engler School in Karlsruhe. 

In the remaining time, practical and theoretical skills are learned at the workplace.

Trainees progress through the following departments and institutions:

  • Livestock Infectiology and Environmental Hygiene
  • Behavioral Physiology of Livestock
  • Animal Nutrition
  • Veterinary practice of the university
  • Zoology
  • Seed Science and Seed Technology
  • Landscape and plant ecology
  • University Experimental Animal Facility
  • Chemisch- und Veterinärmedizinisches Untersuchungsamt Fellbach

Trainees progress through these departments/institutions in intervals of 4 to 6 months.

During their training, trainees attend in-house seminars to supplement their vocational school education and to enhance their hands-on learning.

The final examination consists of two parts administered at two different times.
Part 1 tis taken after about 1.5 years, and part 2 at the end of the training program.
Both parts consist of a written and a practical component.
When calculating the total score, the two parts are weighted as follows: part 1: 35%, part 2: 65%.

Examinations are administered by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Biological laboratory technicians are elegible to apply to open positions at the University of Hohenheim. The subsequent hiring of former trainees as permanent employees, as well as future career development opportunities, depend both on institutional needs and on candidates' personal and professional performance.

Trainees are currently paid:

  • € 1,086.82 in the first year of training 
  • € 1,140.96 in the second year of training 
  • € 1,190.61 in the third year of training 

On 1 November 2024, the amounts will increase by a fixed sum of EUR 100, and on 1 February 2025 by a further fixed sum of EUR 50.


  • Application letter
  • Résumé
  • Copies of the last two school reports (mid-year and full-year reports),
  • evidence of work experience or internships, if applicable

Only electronic applications through the application portal will be accepted. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Annette Falter (email).


Selected applicants will be invited for a personal interview.

After completion of the selection process, all application documents are destroyed in accordance with data protection regulations.