References / certificates

What references and certificates should you include with your application?

  • University degree transcripts (if not already available, the current grade report should be attached)
  • Internship and working student references
  • Certificates of vocational training
  • Certificate of the highest school-leaving qualification, secondary school diploma should be enclosed
  • Certificates and attestations only if they provide evidence of skills explicitly required in the job advertisement. This can be certificates from IT, language, or F.I.T. courses, certificates of completion from Linkedin, etc.

Orientate the order of the references and certificates on the structure of your tabular resume, i.e., you start with the most recent reference. The transcripts are followed by the other relevant certificates and attestations, also starting with the most recent.  

Job reference -
Are you "fully satisfied" with your job reference?

If, for example, you have completed your internship or working student activity, you are entitled to a reference. "The certificate must contain at least information on the nature and duration of the activity (simple certificate). The employee may request that the information also cover performance and conduct in the employment relationship (qualified reference)" (German Trade Regulation Act (Gewerbeordnung) § 109).

Please check your reference carefully as soon as you receive it at the end of an employment relationship. Requests for changes can be submitted within 4 weeks (preferably with a counter draft).

The exact formulation of German employment references is very important. All references will sound good if you are unfamiliar with the formalities. For example, if at the end of the reference is says that the work was done “zu unserer Zufriedenheit,” then that actually means it was only average. If the work was done “stets zu unserer vollen Zufriedenheit” then that is the equivalent of a German grade of 2, and if it was done “stets zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit” then it is the equivalent of a 1. There are many formulations like this throughout references that a layperson cannot decipher at first glance. If you want help having your reference checked, you are welcome to contact the CareerCenter Hohenheim.

Links (in German):

... for students:
+49 711 459-23598

... for companies:
+49 711 459-22066

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Office hours (on-site) for brief questions and issues:
Tues 1–2 p.m. and Thurs 10–11 a.m.

Individual advising appointment:
Arrange an advising appointment with us online (via job teaser “Beratungstermine”) or by email:

An appointment via Zoom is also possible