Radiation Safety

The University of Hohenheim works with ionizing substances. The handling of ionizing substances is regulated by the Radiation Protection Ordinance and the Atomic Energy Act.

The monitoring and control of the activities shall be carried out by the radiation safety officer and the radiation safety representative.

Instructions for radiation safety

When handling open radioactive materials, employees may be exposed to radiation from external radiation sources or from the incorporation of radioactive materials.

Contamination of skin, clothing, or work items can result in both external and internal radiation exposure.

The aim of the University of Hohenheim’s Radiation Safety Instructions according to Sec. 45 StralSchV is to keep the radiation exposure as low as possible by appropriate regulations.

University of Hohenheim’s Radiation Safety Instructions

Specific regulations

Collection of legal regulations on the subject of radiation safety

What are the Radiation Safety Instructions?

The Radiation Safety Instructions regulate the handling of radioactive materials and X-rays in a binding manner. They are composed by the radiation safety officer in cooperation with the radiation safety representative. In general, the Radiation Safety Instructions are part of the approval for working with radioactive substances.

Who requires Radiation Safety Instructions?

All facilities that work with radioactive materials or X-rays. For the University there are the “General Radiation Safety Instructions.” Additionally, there are special Radiation Safety Instructions for every laboratory, for devices including radioactive emitters, and X-ray devices.

Who is addressed by the Radiation Safety Instructions?

All employees working with radioactive materials or X-rays. In their daily work, the radiation safety officers check that the defined regulations and measures of the Radiation Safety Instructions are respected.
The radiation safety officers instruct employees about the possible dangers, about protective measures, and about the important content of the Radiation Safety Ordinance and the Radiation Safety Instructions before the start of the activities and after that once per year.