Reasons for exmatriculation
If you have successfully completed all examinations, the Registrar's Office will automatically exmatriculate you at the end of the semester.
Exmatriculation because you have finished your degree is only possible if all grades have been received by the Examinations Office.
Once you have completed all the required examinations and credits, you can also request exmatriculation. The reason for exmatriculation is then "other reasons".
If you are planning to change university, please do not exmatriculate before you have received the admission letter from the new university.
Students can also be exmatriculated because they are excluded from their studies. This can occur, in case they fail to meet the deadline for re-registration or if they irrevocably fail exams. If you have lost the right to take examinations in a study program, there is no possibility to re-start or resume this program at the same or any other German university. In such cases, the student is automatically exmatriculated by the Registrar's Office at the end of the semester.
Following exmatriculation
You are obligated to take examinations for which you have registered even after exmatriculation! If you re-enroll in the same degree program at Hohenheim, the exams you have cancelled here could possibly count as failed attempts. Therefore, your registration from exams for which you are already registered will not automatically be cancelled for the current semester.
You can cancel registration for exams because you are exmatriculating and therefore you will not take the exams again. To do so, please contact the Examinations Office.
You will lose your right of admission to examinations if you cancel exams that you need to meet study deadlines in your current semester. In the Bachelor's programs, these are primarily the 3rd semester (preliminary examination) and the 9th semester (graduation). In the Master's programs, the 7th semester (graduation).
Unlike after a leave of absence, if you want to continue your studies following voluntary exmatriculation in Hohenheim, you will face the difficult situation that there are admission restrictions for many programs.
This is also the case in higher subject-related semesters, with the result that you may only be re-admitted if study places become available. If you are not admitted, you will have to re-apply the following semester.