Information about internships

Biobased Products and Bioenergy (B.Sc.)

Completed vocational training in one of the following vocations, growing up on a professionally operating farm, or internships before starting studies can be recognized as internships.

Minimum duration of the internship

  • Four weeks (20 working days)
  • The internship should not be interrupted and must be full-time.

Where should the internship be done?

1. Internship positions in Germany

The pre-study internship must take place in a state-certified agricultural training center for the following apprenticeship professions:

  • Skilled worker in an agricultural service field
  • Lumberjack
  • Farmer

In addition, in the Bachelor’s program Biobased Products and Bioenergy, centers in the following industries are acceptable:

  • Bioenergy creation and sales
  • Bioenergy and biobased product plant construction
  • Use and sales of biobased products


  • The company is a state-certified training center or
  • There is a person in the company with a master craftsman certificate or similar trainer certification who is responsible for supervision.

2. Internships abroad

The employer must be similar in structure to other enterprises in the country, the operations manager must be mainly responsible for farming issues at the enterprise and the enterprise must have the size and structure to be able to offer internship positions.

An internship at an enterprise abroad must be approved by the Internship Office in advance. Please send questions via e-mail.

Approval by the Internship office

Internships at recognized training centers do not need to be approved in advance. If something is not clear, please contact the Internship Office before starting the internship.


  1. Acknowledgement from the employer must include the length of the period of employment.
  2. Logbook containing a total of 8 journal pages (fully-filled out).
    Each page must be signed by the supervisor.

Counting other activities as a mandatory internship

  • trainee examination
  • proof of completed professional training in one of the above-mentioned fields
  • prior experience in agriculture (e.g. growing up on a farm)

Proof of the following as necessary

  1. trainee examination... diploma / certificate
  2. Proof of completed professional training... training certificate
  3. Prior experience in agriculture... proof of your having grown up on a farm form