Mid-level faculty

The term “mid-level faculty” refers to the group of research associates who have a doctorate or degree and do not have their own department (e.g., post-docs or research associates with E13 positions). The university is therefore composed of the students, professors, non-academic staff, and mid-level faculty. With the amendment to the LHG (2020), a further group was defined: Doctoral students without an employment contract (on request also with an employment contract) at the university. This group and the mid-level faculty described above have closely related interests and needs. In Hohenheim, we have therefore opted to provide the same information basis to these two groups.


Each of the two groups sends representatives to the bodies of academic self-government. These include the University Council, the Senate, the faculty councils as well as Senate commissions, steering groups, and commissions and groups at the faculty level.


The central information basis for the mid-level faculty is an ILIAS group and an ILIAS mailing list as well as regular meetings. Dates and locations will be announced via the ILIAS mailing list.

Apply to join the ILIAS Group


How you can reach us.
