Alumni Profiles

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Wheat, Einkorn, Emmer, Spelt:
Large Differences in Protein Composition

The five types of wheat – einkorn, emmer, spelt, and durum and common wheat – and their varieties differ significantly in the composition of their proteins. This is the result of a large-scale study conducted by the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart and the University Medical Center Mainz. The researchers identified a total of 2,896 different proteins in 150 flour samples....more

DHV ranking:
Prof. Dr. Stephan Dabbert once again the most popular university president in the state

For the seventh time, Prof. Dr. Stephan Dabbert from the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart is once again the most popular university presidents in Baden-Württemberg. That is the result of the University President Ranking published today by the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (DHV). The award for Germany's most popular "Rector of the Year" goes to...more

QS Ranking by Subject:
Agricultural Research at the University of Hohenheim once again Germany's No. 1

Top place for top research: In the agricultural sciences including food sciences, the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart remains the undisputed leader in the QS World University Ranking by Subject 2023 published today. In Europe, it is among the top ten in this area, in 9th place. The University of Hohenheim is also one of the world's leading universities in the field of...more

Entrepreneurial Women Unvarnished [09.03.2023]

Even more inspiring portraits of successful female entrepreneurs from Hohenheim, new videos, and practical tips: The book "Unternehmerinnen ungeschminkt" is available in an expanded new edition just in time for International Women's Day. The supplementary video portraits and interviews are available on the website

University exam on your own laptop [27.02.2023]

Writing programming code on a piece of paper? That feels kind of strange even in an exam - and can lead to mistakes. But there are good reasons for e-exams in other subjects as well: Less paper, faster correction and more diverse question types are just a few of them. The University of Hohenheim therefore not only wants to expand digital exams, but also raise them to a new...more

Sustainable Use of Phosphorus:
DFG Extends German-Chinese Research Training Group

Around 7 million euros to promote more sustainable use of the world's limited phosphate supply: The German-Chinese Research Training Group AMAIZE-P can continue its research on phosphorus as one of the most important nutrient elements for plants. The German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved a second funding period of another 4.5 years. Since 2018, junior researchers from...more

"We are reinventing ourselves" [18.01.2023]

The Computational Science Lab is now called the Computational Science Hub (CSH). However, the cross-faculty initiative, which has now been joined by more than 20 Hohenheim departments, has already had to reinvent itself in recent years. This is because the original plan to move into a new campus site in Steckfeldstraße has been postponed for the foreseeable future....more

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