
Economic performance of organic farms in Europe
Frank Offermann and Hiltrud Nieberg
Organic Farming in Europe: Economics and Policy
Stuttgart-Hohenheim 2000
Paperback, 198 p., 37 Tables, 28 Figures, Dimensions (in cm) 17x24
ISBN 3-933403-04-9
ISSN 1437-6512
24 Euro

Economic aspects are increasingly determining the acceptance and further expansion of organic farming in Europe. Drawing on data and studies from the 15 EU member states and three non-EU countries (Norway, Switzerland and the Czech Republic) this book provides a comprehensive overview of the economic performance of organic farms in Europe. The analysis of yields, costs, prices and support payments offers an insight into the profits of organic farms of various types and in different countries. Specific attention is paid to the impact of the 1992 CAP reform on the profitability of organic farming.



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