
Output and public expenditure implications of the development of organic farming in Europe
Raffaele Zanoli and Danilo Gambelli
Organic Farming in Europe: Economics and Policy
Stuttgart-Hohenheim 1999
Paperback, 66 p., 50 Tables, Dimensions (in cm) 17x24
ISBN 3-933403-03-0
ISSN 1437-6512
18 Euro

Output and Public Expenditure Implications of the Development of Organic Farming in Europe

Organic farming is becoming a key issue in the context of the present EU agro-environmental policy. However, its specific impact on agricultural output and public expenditure is still scarcely investigated. In this book, Raffaele Zanoli and Danilo Gambelli provide a detailed analysis of the consequences that organic farming has produced thus far on these aspects for EU countries and three European non-EU countries – NO, CH, CZ – drawing on the latest studies in this field. The emphasis throughout is on factual information and empirical data, making this book a valuable resource to understand the successes, challenges and prospects of the policy support to organic farming in Europe.

The book is aimed at policy makers, the private sector, researchers and students in the field of economics and politics of organic farming.


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