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00001 /*Copyright (C) 2006/2007, Professorship (p.p.) for Land Use Economics in the Tropics and
00002 Subtropics, Institute for Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences in the Tropics
00003 and Subtropics, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart
00004 Thomas Berger, Lutz Göhring
00005 All rights reserved
00006 */
00007 #ifndef LP_OLD
00008 #ifndef AGENTSOLUTION_H_
00009 #define AGENTSOLUTION_H_
00011 #include <typeinfo>
00013 #include "OsiSymSolverInterface.hpp"
00014 #include "SymWarmStart.hpp"
00015 #include "CoinWarmStartBasis.hpp"
00029 class AgentSolution
00030 {
00031 public:
00034         int getNumberOfRows()const;
00035         int getNumberOfColumns()const;
00036         double* getColumnSolution()const;
00037         double getColumnSolution(int index)const;
00038         double* getObjectiveFunctCoeff()const;
00039         double getObjectiveFunctCoeff(int index)const;
00040         double getObjValue()const;
00046         double* getDualRightHandSide()const;
00052         double getDualRightHandSide(int index)const;
00053         double* getSlackRightHandSide()const;
00054         double getSlackRightHandSide(int index)const;
00055         double* getRowActivity()const;
00056         double getRowActivity(int index)const;
00057         bool getTestFlag()const;
00059         double getInfinity() const;  
00060         double getTolerance()const;
00066         SymWarmStart* getWarmStartSym()const;
00067         CoinWarmStartBasis* getWarmStartCoin()const;
00069         //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00072         virtual void setNumberOfRows(const int numberofrows);
00073         virtual void setNumberOfColumns(const int numberofcolumns);
00074         virtual void setColumnSolution(const double* columnsolution_);
00075         virtual int setColumnSolution(const double value,int index);
00076         virtual void setObjectiveFunctCoeff(const double*objectivefunctcoeff_);
00077         virtual int setObjectiveFunctCoeff(const double value,int index);
00078         virtual void setObjValue(const double objvalue_);
00079         virtual void setDualRightHandSide(const double*dualrhs_);
00080         virtual int setDualRightHandSide(const double value,int index);
00081         virtual void setSlackRightHandSide(const double*slackrhs_);
00082         virtual int setSlackRightHandSide(const double value,int index);
00083         virtual void setRowActivity(const double*rowactivities_);
00084         virtual int setRowActivity(const double value,int index);
00085         virtual void setInfinity(double infinity);
00086         virtual void setTestFlag(bool test);
00087         virtual void setTolerance(double eps);
00094         virtual void setWarmStart(const SymWarmStart* const warmstart);
00096         virtual void setWarmStart(const CoinWarmStartBasis* const warmstart);
00103         virtual void load(      const int numberofrows_, const int numberofcolumns_, const double*columnsolution_,const double*objectivefunctcoeff_,
00104                                                 const double objvalue_, const double*dualrhs_,const double*slackrhs_,const double*rowactivities_,
00105                                                 const SymWarmStart* warmstart);
00107         virtual void load(      const int numberofrows_, const int numberofcolumns_, const double*columnsolution_,const double*objectivefunctcoeff_,
00108                                                 const double objvalue_, const double*dualrhs_,const double*slackrhs_,const double*rowactivities_,
00109                                                 const CoinWarmStartBasis* warmstart);
00111         //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00115         AgentSolution();
00117         AgentSolution(int numberofrows_, int numberofcols_);
00119         AgentSolution(const AgentSolution& solution);
00121         AgentSolution& operator=(const AgentSolution& rhs);
00123         virtual ~AgentSolution();
00125 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00126 private:
00130         int numberofrows;
00132         int numberofcolumns;
00134         mutable double*  columnsolution;
00136         mutable double* objectivefunctcoeff;
00138     double objvalue;
00140         mutable double* dualrhs;
00142         mutable double* slackrhs;
00144         mutable double* rowactivities;
00146    double infinity;
00148         bool test;
00150         double eps;
00157         SymWarmStart* lastYearWarmStartSym;
00159         CoinWarmStartBasis* lastYearWarmStartCoin;
00160         //}@
00161         //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00165         void round();
00167         void round(double* vector,int vectorlength);
00169         void round(CoinPackedMatrix *MatrixDouble);
00171         double round(double value);
00176         double truncate(double precision,double& x);
00180         double round(int numberofdecimals_, double& x);
00182         void gutsOfConstructor();
00184         void gutsOfDestructor();
00186         void allocate();
00188         template <class Type> int allocateVector(Type*& pointertovector, long int sizeofvector);
00190         template <class ClassType> void copy(ClassType*& finalObjectPtr_, const ClassType* const originalObjectPtr_);
00192 };
00193 //allocates memory for an array of type Type with size sizefovector and checks if size is positive  
00194 template <class Type>
00195 int AgentSolution::allocateVector(Type*& pointertovector, long int sizeofvector){
00196         if (sizeofvector > 0)
00197                 if(pointertovector== NULL){
00198                         try{
00199                                 pointertovector = new Type[sizeofvector];
00200                                 for (int i = 0; i<sizeofvector;i++) pointertovector[i] = NULL;
00201                         }
00202                         catch(exception& exceptionObject){
00203                                 cerr << "Exception: "<< exceptionObject.what()<<endl;
00204                                 cerr << "Error in "<< typeid(*this).name()<<"::allocateVector(): cannot allocate memory for Type"<< typeid(*pointertovector).name()<<"["<<sizeofvector<<"]" << endl;
00205                                 exit(0);
00206                         }
00207                 }
00208                 else {
00209                         delete[] pointertovector;
00210                         pointertovector = NULL;
00211                         try{
00212                                 pointertovector = new Type[sizeofvector];
00213                                 for (int i = 0; i<sizeofvector;i++) pointertovector[i] = NULL;
00214                         }
00215                         catch(exception& exceptionObject){
00216                                 cerr << "Exception: "<< exceptionObject.what()<<endl;
00217                                 cerr << "Error in "<< typeid(*this).name()<<"::allocateVector(): cannot allocate memory for Type"<< typeid(*pointertovector).name()<<"["<<sizeofvector<<"]" << endl;
00218                                 exit(0);
00219                         }
00220                 }
00221         else {
00222                 if (test) cerr  << "Warning in "<< typeid(*this).name()<<"::allocateVector(): nothing to allocate:"
00223                                                 << "length of array of "<<typeid(*pointertovector).name()<<" is: "<<sizeofvector<<"!" << endl;
00224                 return 0;//failure/warning
00225         }
00226         return 1;//success
00227 }
00229 //Allocates memory for class member finalObjectPtr_ if necessary and copies data from the object originalObjectPtr_ points to
00230 template <class ClassType> void AgentSolution::copy(ClassType*& finalObjectPtr_, const ClassType* const originalObjectPtr_){
00231         if (originalObjectPtr_ != NULL){
00232                 if (finalObjectPtr_ == NULL)
00233                         try {
00234                                 finalObjectPtr_ = new ClassType(*originalObjectPtr_);
00235                         }
00236                         catch (exception& exceptionObject){
00237                                 cerr << "Exception: "<< exceptionObject.what() << endl;
00238                                 cerr << "Error in "<< typeid(*this).name()<<"::copy(): cannot allocate memory for"<< typeid(ClassType).name()  << endl;
00239                         }
00240                 else {
00241                         delete finalObjectPtr_;
00242                         finalObjectPtr_ = NULL;
00243                         try {
00244                                 finalObjectPtr_ = new ClassType(*originalObjectPtr_);
00245                         }
00246                         catch (exception& exceptionObject){
00247                                 cerr << "Exception: "<< exceptionObject.what() << endl;
00248                                 cerr << "Error in "<< typeid(*this).name()<<"::copy(): cannot allocate memory for"<< typeid(ClassType).name() << endl;
00249                         }
00250                 }
00251         }
00252         else if (test) cerr << "Warning in "<< typeid(*this).name() << "::copy():  "<<typeid(originalObjectPtr_).name() <<"  == NULL!" << endl;
00253 }
00256 #endif /*AGENTSOLUTION_H_*/
00257 #endif /* LP_OLD*/

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